I needed new funnels in my kitchen - I like using fresh peppercorns and Himalayan Sea Salt, and the grinders are so hard to fill. These new collapsible funnels are perfect for filling my grinders!
They wash up great - nothing sticks to them. I really like that they are silicone because it makes them so versatile.
I've been washing them in my dishwasher when I use them for sticky stuff, but most stuff washes off easily with just a little dish soap. Either way, they come out clean with little effort.
You can get yours here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GVSQQ3G
#deiss #cooking #kitchen #food
I've been washing them in my dishwasher when I use them for sticky stuff, but most stuff washes off easily with just a little dish soap. Either way, they come out clean with little effort.
You can get yours here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GVSQQ3G
#deiss #cooking #kitchen #food